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Who is eligible for Influential Women in Institutional Investing

  • To be eligible to be nominated for this honor, women must be currently employed in institutional investing, have a minimum of 7 years of experience in the industry and demonstrate a measurable effect and results within her workplace and within the industry. Nominees should ideally demonstrate a commitment to attract, retain, support and promote women into the industry. Women across the institutional investment industry are eligible (allocators, asset managers, consultants, service providers, etc.) across various roles.
  • Please note, those that have been honored previously are not eligible to be honored again at this time since their distinguished achievement is a LIFETIME AWARD signifying the recipient as an influential woman within the institutional investing industry. Past honorees may be selected for special recognition categories in future years. Those who were previously nominated in 2023 but not selected in the final group of honorees can be nominated for consideration again.


What does the entry form require?

  • The entry form requires that you answer six (6) basic questions and submit four (4) brief 300-word essays capturing the nominee's accomplishments/impact, expertise, leadership and board/community involvement.
  • You will also need to provide two (2) recommendation letters from the nominee's supervisors, colleagues and/or clients. Nominations will not be considered without recommendation letters included.
  • Nominators need to submit supporting information on the nominee's experience and impact in the institutional investment industry as part of the essay submissions. 
  • Providing specific details and differentiating your answers across the essay questions is highly recommended and will assist the judges in differentiating amongst a large pool of deserving women.


Do nominees need to be based in the U.S.?

  • No. Nominees from outside the U.S. are welcome to enter; all entries must be made in English.


How will the nominations be judged?

  • Nominees will be judged by the 2024 Advisory Board, a select group of 2023 honorees and the Pensions & Investments leadership team. Entries will be grouped by years of experience for judging purposes:                                                                                                                                                                     
    • Next Gen Leaders: 7 to 12 years experience

    • 13 to 20 years experience

    • 20+ years experience

  • Each nomination will be scored by a minimum of 4 judges and cumulative scores will be tallied to select the final list of honorees for 2024.


Can I mark something confidential or for judging purposes only?

  • No. Anything included in an entry should be considered as public information. There’s no space for explicitly confidential information, and we ask entrants to anticipate that anything in their entry could become public and used to inform, or include in, the winner's profile.


When is the deadline for entering?

  • The deadline for all entries is March 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET.


Can I edit my entry after I submit?

  • Unfortunately, once you have submitted your entry, you will not be able to log in to edit the form in any way. If there is factual information that is incorrect, please contact Ann Acum on the awards team to request a change at ann.acum@pionline.com.

    Please note changes cannot be made once the final deadline has passed and judging has started.


Can I save my entry and complete it at a later date?

  • Yes! At any time prior to the deadline you may save your nomination and come back to it.  As long as you don't hit 'submit.'


When and how will honorees be announced?

  • Winners will be notified in June.
  • Honorees will be announced publicly in a special feature in the September 9, 2024, issue of P&I as well as during an awards ceremony and half-day conference hosted on September 12, 2024, in Chicago.


I'm getting a technical error in the submission form; who can I contact for help?

  • Our awards team is here to help with any technical issues you might experience. Please contact ann.acum@pionline.com